1. Introduction. What is a cookie?

This Cookie Policy explains when and for what purpose cookies may be sent to visitors to the Website. Cookies are text-only data that a website transmits for the purpose of saving information to a user's hard drive or other Internet-connected device. Cookies enable the Website to remember important information that makes the user's experience more convenient. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain to which it refers, the expiry date, and a randomly assigned unique number or other value. Some cookies will be used on the Website whether or not you are logged in to your account.

Session cookies are temporary and will remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the Website. Permanent cookies remain in the browser of your computer for a much longer period (the length of this period depends on the expiry date of the specific cookies). We use session cookies to keep track of the total number of visitors to our Website. We may also use cookies to remember your computer and to personalize the Website for you the next time you visit. In such cases, we may associate your Personal Information with the cookies.

2. Uses of cookies

We use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies, including from our third-party partners such as Google and Facebook, to provide performance measurement services, improve the effectiveness of targeted advertising and for marketing purposes. These cookies, web beacons and similar technologies allow us to show you our advertisements on other websites you visit on the internet and thereby make it easier for you to find us. We may also share information about your activities on the Website with third parties (including the operators of third party websites and/or social media sites) for the purpose of displaying targeted advertisements and other personalised content.

We also use these cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies in our targeted advertising program and when displaying other advertisements to find out which advertisements users have seen and how many times they have been shown a particular advertisement. We may also allow those participating in our Website targeting program to use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies in their advertisements that we display on our Website and on third-party websites to understand how users interact with our advertisements.


We use cookies to analyse users' activities in order to improve the Website. For example, cookies allow us to look at overall performance, such as the average number of searches performed by users. We may analyse this data to understand how to improve the functionality and usability of the Website.

Settings and user preferences

We use cookies to collect certain user information, such as browser type, server, language and country settings, and to store user preferences to make our Website more user-friendly. For example, we may store information in a cookie about the most recent search queries you have made, so that you can easily retrieve them when you return to our Website or substitute your profile information when you register for an account.

Cookies also prevent you from having to re-enter your account information when you return to our Website. We may also use your IP address to give you the most relevant search results based on your location (city or postcode).

Providing performance measurement services, improving the effectiveness of targeting advertising and marketing

We use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies, including from our third party partners such as Google and Facebook, to provide performance measurement services, improve the effectiveness of targeted advertising and for marketing purposes. This happens when you visit our Website. These cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies allow us to show you our advertising material on other websites you visit online.

Our third-party advertising partners may also use these technologies to identify your online interests at different times and on different websites in order to show you targeted ads and other content personalized to you.

In addition, We may share information about your activities on the Website with third parties (including the operators of third-party websites) in order to show you targeted advertisements and other content that is personalized for you. We also use cookies to program targeted advertisements on our Website. We use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies, including from third-party partners, in this program and when displaying other advertisements, to find out which ads users have seen, how many times they have been shown a particular ad and on which sites it appears.

You may prohibit the lawful use of your Personal Information for marketing purposes. You may prohibit the collection and use of information to display targeted advertisements in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Tracking of site-to-site conversions

We use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies, including from third-party partners, to match user activity with the third-party website from which a user comes to our Website or to match user activity that links to the third-party website from our Website. Some third-party affiliate websites receive remuneration for the activity of users they refer to our Website or, in turn, pass on to us remuneration for the activity of users who are redirected to them. We also use cookies and other technologies to correlate user activity with marketing material that contains a link to our Website.

Ensuring security

We use cookies to protect against certain types of cyberattacks.

Testing as well as improving efficiency and usability

We use cookies to provide a consistent interface during A/B testing of certain aspects of our Website to improve the products we offer. We also use cookies to improve the effectiveness and reliability of our Website.

Preventing fraud and spam

We use cookies when we investigate fraudulent activity. Sometimes we outsource the tracking of cookies and devices to third parties, and sometimes we perform indexing ourselves to identify activities related to specific cookies.

Compliance with requirements

We may use cookies to anonymise the data collected about traffic and activities associated with the use of our Website.

3 Changes to the Cookie Policy

Any changes to this Cookie Policy will take effect on the date of publication on the Website. By using the Website or submitting information to us after such changes have been made, you accept the revised Cookie Policy. If we need to use Personal Information collected through the Website in a manner substantially different from that specified at the time of collection, we will notify users by sending an e-mail and/or posting a notice on the relevant Website 30 days before such use or otherwise as required by law.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Tehnoloģiju attīstība un attīstība ir ļāvusi integrēt IT risinājumus finanšu nozarē. Tas ļauj izstrādāt dažādus produktus gan lietotājiem, piemēram, izveidojot bankas lietojumprogrammu mobilajām ierīcēm, gan sarežģītākas sistēmas, kuru izmantošana nav tik plaša.

    Ir jāizstrādā lietotājam draudzīgs kabinets, kurā lietotājam būs ērti pārvaldīt finanses vai citus rādītājus un ātri piekļūt informācijai. Ja tā ir, piemēram, bankas lietojumprogramma, tad ir vērts izstrādāt personīgo kabinetu ar piekļuvi pamata operācijām ar kartēm, kontiem u. tml. personīgajā kabinetā. Šādas fintech tehnoloģijas palielina pakalpojuma lietojamību.

    No lietotāja puses, izstrādājot mehānismus personīgo kontu un datu aizsardzībai. Piemēram, ieviešot papildu autentifikācijas metodes ar papildu kontiem vai biometriju. Drošība būtu jānodrošina arī servera pusē, lai izvairītos no visas sistēmas uzlaušanas, kas varētu novest pie datu noplūdes.

    Ir vērts pievērst uzmanību lielai pakalpojuma slodzei. Tas ir, vai tas spēj izturēt intensīvu lietotāju plūsmu vai sarežģītus finanšu darījumus. un citiem finanšu tehnoloģiju pakalpojumiem. Ja produkts ir paredzēts plašam lietotāju lokam, ir nepieciešams, lai pakalpojums būtu ļoti noslogots, lai izvairītos no problēmām ar pakalpojuma stabilitāti.

    Fintech kreditēšana ir finanšu tehnoloģiju, tostarp API, izmantošana, lai palīdzētu aizdevējiem pieņemt ātrākus un pamatotākus lēmumus par aizdevumiem. Tas var ietvert alternatīvu datu avotu izmantošanu, lai izvērtētu kreditēšanas risku, un digitālo platformu savienošanu, lai uzlabotu datu apmaiņas ātrumu.

    Tīmekļa vietnes vai pakalpojuma izstrāde ir tikai pirmais projekta pastāvēšanas posms. Pēc tā palaišanas ir nepieciešams veikt izmaiņas pakalpojuma funkcionalitātē, pielāgot to reālajām auditorijas vajadzībām, integrēt to ar analītikas un uzskaites sistēmām. mūsu uzņēmumā jūs varat pasūtīt visa projekta, kā arī atsevišķu daļu: frontend, backend, dizaina, maketēšanas u. c. atbalstu zem mūsu zīmola vai kļūt par mūsu projektu līdzinvestoru.

    Mēs varam sadarboties dažādos veidos. Jūs varat līdzieguldīt mūsu produktos. Jūs varat arī pasūtīt savu risinājumu ar mūsu balto zīmi. Lai iegūtu jebkādu informāciju, vienkārši sazinieties ar mums.

    Cilvēki vēlas izmantot jaunākos finanšu tehnoloģiju risinājumus, lai atvieglotu savu ikdienas darbību. Mēs radām progresīvas tehnoloģijas, kas atvieglo ikdienas darbību un paātrina inovāciju tempu. Mūsu programmatūra ļauj cilvēkiem saņemt pārliecinošus piedāvājumus un pakalpojumus. Šādi inovatīvi finanšu programmatūras risinājumi ļauj mums atklāt jaunus tirgus un biznesa iespējas.

    Fintech programmatūras izstrāde aptver daudzus dažādus virzienus, piemēram, piegādes pakalpojumu programmatūru, kas vienkāršo mijiedarbību ar patērētājiem, atbilstību un jaunu pakalpojumu izstrādi. Tāpēc programmatūras uzņēmumi piedāvā visaptverošus Fintech programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumus, kas ļauj visu.

    Mēs esam apvienojuši populārākos mūsdienu pakalpojumus: piegādes, darba meklēšanas un brīvā laika pavadīšanas, ziņojumu dēļa, sociālo tīklu. Mūsu projekti ir savstarpēji saistīti. Ja esat sociālā tīkla lietotājs - varat viegli pieslēgties jebkurai citai sistēmai mūsu vidē. Mēs arī ļaujam jums viegli piekļūt visiem mūsu produktiem. Mūsu projekti ir iespēja ikvienam attīstīties, pavadīt laiku un nopelnīt naudu.